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Between Digital Flux & Painted Matter

My practice examines the tension between digital immediacy
and painted permanence, where meaning emerges through
processes of reproduction and material intervention.

Artistic Exploration

Anthony Vizard works at the critical intersection of painting and digital culture. His practice examines how traditional artistic gestures interact with our screen-mediated reality, producing works that challenge conventional boundaries between analogue and digital expression. Through a sophisticated fusion of painterly abstraction and digital processes, his work reflects on contemporary modes of image consumption and production.

Artist's Perspective

Vizard’s methodology embodies our current cultural moment, where meaning emerges through layers of reproduction and recontextualization. His work establishes a dialogue between the immediacy of digital processes and the contemplative nature of painting, inviting critical engagement with the complexities of contemporary visual culture.


The Artist statement offers a deeper perspective on the ideas and processes shaping the work. For portfolio or acquisition inquiries, contact the studio.

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